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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

All in!

I'm all in!  It is an expression in poker, where a player in a no limits game pushes all of his chips in to the table.  He is betting everything he has, if he is against a player with more chips its make or break for him.  He will either doulbe his chips or be out of the game.  My question is what does it take to get a person to, "I'm all in", on a team.

Another way that I will ask the question is what does it take to have a person give his whole heart?  So that the person is going to identify with, care about, feel good for or bad for the consequences of the group that is capturing their heart.  I am not sure this poker analogy will hold water, but I was intruiged by it enough to write down some of the conditions.

First of all the person who is all in must feel that they have a chance to win.  If they didn't they would not take the risk.  So one condition for "all in" would be the organization must seem to be winning.  Another condition in the poker game is that if you go "all in", you must be willing to show your cards.  The person takes a risk and is willing to expose his cards once the bets are placed in order to see if they win.  So you can't win, if you don't become voluntarily vulnerable.

I find these two traits interesting, because when I sat down I was not planning to write about poker, but rather conditions that have to happen to capture a persons heart.  A person must overcome the fear that they will be rejected.  The person has to become ok with who they are and not be trying to become someone else.  The person must sense that it is good for themselves to give their heart.  The person must sense that it is a good thing for them to be associated with.

Not every condition aligns with the poker game, but there are similarities that I find interesting.  I want to start my book on this path of examining what conditions must be met for a person to say, "I'm all in!" 

1 comment:

Lori said...

Intriguing. I hope you plan to write more on this because I, for one, would like to read more!