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Thursday, July 7, 2011

You have done what you could!

Worthwhile Day by Jessica Dang

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could.”
What is one thing you can do that would make today worthwhile? What’s stopping you from getting started right now?

I am learning that God is within me, that he loves me and as I walk in faith in believing that he is and that he loves those who seek him, that who I am is enough for each day.  This day, a day given to me, will be a day for me to be with me and with God and with those people that I cross paths with.  The day is worthwhile on its own, I simply have to choose to watch what it brings and trust that who I am will be enough to meet the challenge of the day.

The author of the prompt is encouraging me to do something to make the day worthwhile.  And that is a great goal for sure.  But what if today brings a limited number of hours to study for a test.  Then my choice would be to study for the test.  What if the day brings a tsunami? What if the day brings overtime required at work?  What if it brings taking care of your older parents because their house burned down.  What if it were to bring the funeral of one of your children.  Or maybe the birth of a grandchild?  You see each day is its own, created by God just as we have been created by God.  We redeem the day by delighting in who God has made us to be and as we are who we are, we finish the day doing what we can do and trusting that it is enough.

Enough for what?  Enough for our purpose hear on earth, enough to teach us what we need to learn to face tomorrow.  Enough to allow God's plan to unfold. 

I find I have to be careful as I think about each day.  I have to be careful because I can easily say we should delight in each day, but this would not match reality.  My wife just returned from Guatemala where she saw situations of hopelessness in desperate poverty.  I have been close to the death of a young woman, brought on by cancer.  So some days are ushered in with suffering.  Some days there is grieving.

We do what we can do.

1 comment:

Russ Hardesty said...

I am encouraged by the paragraph "Enough". I am reminded of the passage in Matthew 6, when Jesus talked about "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?"

Living in the here and now is as good as it gets. Also fits real well with the teaching of GTD.